What if I not pay bills and penalties?

Residing in London is a privilege that comes with certain obligations and responsibilities. As a responsible citizen, it is essential to understand your rights and duties. Many individuals are currently facing a dilemma during these challenging times, contemplating the consequences of not fulfilling their financial obligations. It is crucial to make informed decisions in such matters. If you choose to discontinue payments for essential services such as electricity, water, or gas, you may face consequences from private companies. It is advisable to explore the available options and seek professional guidance to address any concerns or difficulties you may be experiencing.
1) to negotiate new merciful contract under new mutually beneficial terms ( to pay by installments, low amounts bills,etc.).  
2) to speak to your company and to get a postponed plan
3) if refuse to pay and might get in troubles (sometimes the company will pass your bad records to Debt collecting agency, or straight away to court!). 
4) to ignore all the notices sent to you and avoid to contact your supplier (the worst scenario case).
Your company supplier can easily get a decision to cut off their services. But this is not what we are talking about. You can be sued and this record will be always your nightmare. Off course, you can rely on some better news - the records should be kept for no more than 7 years.But your credit score will be affected on the meantime!
Also, don't ignore the car-penalties given to you. Usually you have 14 days to pay half of the price!(If the penalty is 130£-you can pay 65£ in 2 weeks). After that the price of the fine is exactly what advertised - full amount. Later you will have to pay double to your first penalty (when reminder letter comes), and
finally you are going to court!!!
So,the main difference between your bills and penalties is only one - if you are ignoring to pay, definitely will go to court!
Keep your address updated - in terms to get on time all the notices and penalties!

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