How to get bus in London almost free?

There are some good news - you can get a cheaper and easier way to travel in London.Everything you need to know is how to manage your desired location.On Google Maps you have to choose just bus transport and to follow the direction. Once you get a bus,you are allowed to spend next 90 minutes (1 hour 30 minutes) on as much buses as you can (unlimited journeys). Everything you pay is 1,75£.The payment could be taken by credit or debit cards, Oyster card, Google pay or any contactless devices (smart watches etc ). Good to know - even if your credit is lower then asking price (1,75£) you can still continue your journey!
The only confusing thing you can be careful is the name of the bus stop!They could be many bus stops with exactly same name,but on the very top you can find in circle some letters - "AB", "SM"....So that way you can follow your route with no confusion (means if your bus stop is named "Holly Hill",but there are 2 or 3 bus stations with same names,you need just the one with "AD"(for instance), because it's the one following your location!

Finally - the buses operate on request system - even you are already on the bus station, you still need to show the driver your intention to get on the bus!

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